We like it simple and clear, when we are at the receiving end. One evening while enjoying the sea breeze on the roof top, a leading developer of Mumbai asked ‘ how do you define a perfect terrace waterproofing’. The immediate response I gave was it should follow the basics, the expression on the face of the developer indicated that he wanted me to be more clear and specific as he was not sure I knew the answers.
The perfect terrace waterproofing rests on 4 pillars.
1. A sound base resting on the flat slab laid to a gentle slope of 1:200 sloping towards weeping holes.
2. A weeping hole @ 1 every 80 sq. mtr of surface area.
3. Drain outlets located and of opening size such that water does not stay on the terrace surface even during heavy down pour.
4. Top surface logically can withstand rain as our common sense does not let us choose otherwise, success lies in selecting a material OR combination of materials that can withstand the impact of heat that leads to expansion and contraction.
Trust me follow the basics and enjoy a leakproof terrace, you deserve it. Get the work from the best waterproofing contractors in Mumbai/ Thane and be assured.