Professional Bathroom Waterproofing services in Mumbai

An unkempt or defective bathroom can be an inconvenience, but it can also lead to larger issues that damage your home. If you have bathroom leakage issues and you need bathroom waterproofing services in Mumbai, don’t hesitate to call us immediately to schedule an appointment. Our experienced team will assess your bathroom and determine the…

Commonly used Waterproofing Methods that are highly effective

The homes that we live in are housed in buildings and towers that face the wrath of external elements like heat, cold and rain along with dust and pollution. Due to this, these structures face various issues, water ingress and leakages being the most common ones. In order to keep your home safe and strong…

Probable Causes and Tell-tale Signs of Window Leaks

Come to think of it, windows play an important role in creating a barrier against various weather elements like wind, heat and most importantly, keeps the rain out. With age, just as the building structure weakens, windows too can eventually begin leaking due to many other causes. In order to prevent water from further penetrating…

Tips to avoid Damage caused by rainfall to your Building structure

During the monsoon season, we witness the bad condition of roads, sewage system and drainage but a similar deterioration happens to our building structures too though it isn’t quite as visible. The impact of torrential rains and inclement weather can be seen externally but the internal damage is equally bad. Though we live in these…

Indications that your home needs repair work at the earliest

We all want our homes to be safe and sturdy as the roof over our head provides stability to our lives in more than one way. Of course, a home can be plagued by many expensive repairs, especially those associated with the foundation or roof of the home. Apart from this, it is absolutely essential…