Three Fold Solutions for Leakages from Skirting

Dampness in the wall is a common experience in most buildings, especially near the skirting at floor level. Wall dampness is initially ignored and later takes the shape of a full-blown problem of dampness up to 3’0” which is now within the range of our view especially when we are seated. It has by now…

How to Resolve Leakage or Dampness on The Walls?

I recently visited a client , I must say a beautifully done up place. As I stood there for couple of minutes there was a pungent smell. The client said this is the reason we have called you. When I closely looked around I realized that the paint had peeled at many places, particularly just…

Restoration and Waterproofing of External Facade of a Stone Building

Human and habitats, evolved with Humans taking safe heaven in caves where they could protect themselves from the rigors of nature and have a lasting permanence. Though out the development of humans over milieu over time a cultural splendor. We know a large part of human history through the stone structures which have lasted over…

Tips to avoid Damage caused by rainfall to your Building structure

During the monsoon season, we witness the bad condition of roads, sewage system and drainage but a similar deterioration happens to our building structures too though it isn’t quite as visible. The impact of torrential rains and inclement weather can be seen externally but the internal damage is equally bad. Though we live in these…