Three Fold Solutions for Leakages from Skirting

Dampness in the wall is a common experience in most buildings, especially near the skirting at floor level. Wall dampness is initially ignored and later takes the shape of a full-blown problem of dampness up to 3’0” which is now within the range of our view especially when we are seated. It has by now…

Terrace waterproofing of high rises in Mumbai

Modern Residential /Commercial or Industrial complexes have a large floor plate spanning over several wings , having expansion joint based on the length of the building. These when not properly taken care gives rise to leakages in the terrace . Compared to single standalone buildings, multi-wing complexes have a rhythmic set of staircase and lift room…

Terrace waterproofing-An absolute necessity when you have a Terrace Garden

Terrace gardens or roof gardens as they are also known, are a wonderful boon for those who possess a green thumb and for us city dwellers for whom a small patch of green is equivalent to heaven. Advantages of terrace garden:- Reduces carbon footprint Improves Oxygen levels Provides us with fresh Organic Vegetation Helps in…

Why should one go for Pu injection grouting waterproofing?

Pu injection grouting as ideal way to resolve leakage worries without breakage. PU Injection grouting method is popularly used to repair active leaks with it’s given fast drying properties and ability to reach tiny hairline cracks  too.  In this method we inject resins to the affected areas or crack, which when it comes in contact…