The Hanging gardens of Babylon, were for true or is their existence a mere myth, no one knows for sure. One thing that we all know is that human beings are nature loving and won’t miss a chance to stay and work close to nature and if that wasn’t possible get nature close to where they stay and work even if it was on the nth floor of a building.
To have such a dream or desire is one thing, to be able to adequately provide for it is another, and still better would be to have a sustainable existence of the green space or natural element and the biggest impediment to sustainable green space is water and the key is proper water-proofing.
Water-proofing is not just a science or an art and a proper understanding of how water moves in a built form is just the first step towards a proper water-proofing engagement.
Material selection, sealants, bonds, fillers and best practices in workmanship are not just requirements, but a necessity in the success of a good design evolved or enveloped around nature.
From Roof top to podiums, from Lotuses to Lilies, from trees to creepers, from still to flowing water the right choice of water-proofing is our forte and your pleasure. Let us not hold back our design ideas and our desire to own and enjoy a truly biophilic design without boundaries regardless of the place we stay and work.
We are the answer to the right choice of water-proofing contractors in Mumbai and Thane.