How to identify the source of Leakage???

When I visit my close friends and relatives’ place, the most common problem I notice in rainy season is people face water stains, damp walls, puffed up paint. Most of the time I have seen all of us overlook it thinking that is temporary, many ignore it with the thought that this is a regular occurrence…

Restoration and Waterproofing of External Facade of a Stone Building

Human and habitats, evolved with Humans taking safe heaven in caves where they could protect themselves from the rigors of nature and have a lasting permanence. Though out the development of humans over milieu over time a cultural splendor. We know a large part of human history through the stone structures which have lasted over…

Why do Bathroom Leaks occur and how to resolve bathroom leakages

Bathroom leaks are quite commonly and widely experienced by home owners these days. Inferior material and improper workmanship are primary reasons for this. You could notice damp spots or visible droplets on the ceiling or walls of your home, especially if there is a bathroom on the floor above or a second-floor bathroom in your…